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Queen Alarm QAR-202 Barrière à triple faisceaux pour…
Queen Alarm QAR-202. Barrière à triple faisceaux pour extérieurs et intérieurs. 200 - 600 mètres. QUEEN ALARM Barrera exterior triple haz.200m.
- Triple-beam barrier with spherical lens for inner and outer spaces (3 beams shall be blocked)
- Perfect focus on beams at great distances
- Range: 200 meters outer spaces, 600 meters inner spaces
- Digital conversion frequency
- Easy alignment by 3 support systems (visual, leds and voltmeter)
- Alarm contacts type C 30Vdc/5mA
- Protection structure at IP55 grade protecting from the rain, dust and insects
- Automatic control of profit
- Adjustable time of interruption 50 ms ~ 700ms
- Built in plastic and metal to resist to inclement weather
- Option to vertical alignment ±10° Horizontal ±90°
- Operating temperature -25°C +55°C
- Supply voltage 12V~24Vcc 11V~18Vca /100 mA
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