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Golmar N5206/ART 4 LITE 6p video building kit
Golmar N5206/ART 4 LITE 6p video building kit. Community video kit with "G2 +" digital installation for 6 homes. Composed of: N1000/AL grid module. N3260/AL push button module. EL632/G2 + SE sound module with color camera. EL606D 6P pushbutton electronic module. Mounting frame N6002/AL. NCEV-90C embedding box. FA-G2 + power supply. ART 4 LITE/G2 + 4.3 ”hands-free monitor. D4L-G2 + SMALL video distributors. Supports up to 4 boards using the DPM-G2 + switch and 4 drives in the same home without additional power. Use with 12V dc electric lock release
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